lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012



Maurycy Wojciech Komorowski

Students who carried out the interview: Wojtek, Maciek, Mikołaj

and our photojournalist- Julia

Students: Good morning! We are the students of School Centre Number 83 in Warsaw.

Our school takes part in Comenius pogramme and since September 2010 we have

been carrying out a project entitled “Young Reporters”. We cooperate with schools

from Spain, the UK, Italy, Slovakia, Bulgaria and Turkey.

This interview is one of our tasks to fulfil. Could we ask a few questions?

Mayor: Yes, of course.

Students: What have you managed to realize during your term of office?

Mayor: The most expensive undertaking is financing schools and kindergartens in our

district. There are 43 institutions in that sector. We maintain them at a high level.

Those institutions are classified high in various rankings. We have managed to realize

a lot of investments like constructing sports fields and sports centres.

We are responsible for maintaining council flats in our district. We have managed to

hold off their decline despite not having enough resources.

We have also managed to modernize Ochota Community Centre, we maintain

40 kilometres of roads and we have formed a day centre for people with mental

problems which is situated in Grójecka Street. We maintain parks and cultural

institutions like libraries. We realize tasks connected with population and cars records.

Students: What way do the local authorities try to improve the quality of life of Ochota


Mayor: We maintain educational and cultural institutions, parks, for example Szczęśliwice

Park; we help the needy by social aid and benefits.

Students: Are there any plans connected with the park situated opposite the railway and bus

station Dworzec Zachodni?

Mayor: Frankly speaking it hasn’t been decided yet if his area will remain a park.

Students: Is the chestnut trees preservation campaign going to be continued ?

Mayor: That’s central campaign. If it’s going to be continued, we will get involved. In my

opinion that problem doesn’t seem to be so serious any more.

Students: What way do the authorities care about active leisure pursuits and sports passion of

young people?

Mayor: We do our best. Most schools have got modern sports fields which are open after

lessons. There are different programmes, e.g. training programme called

“Syrenka”. Sports centres for schools are being built.

Students: What cultural events are held cyclically under the patronage of the mayor

of Ochota?

Mayor: Two or three football tournaments, a tournament of altar boys, two ballroom dance

tournaments. We are involved in big sports tournaments like Warsaw Olympic Games

of Youth. We have organized “Family Picnic” for 11 years. I don’t know which of the

above events are most popular.

Students: What do the local authorities do to support undertakings aimed at improvement of

Ochota inhabitants’ health condition?

Mayor: There are special prophylactic programmes.

Students: What is done to help the children from the poorest families?

Mayor: We come to their aid by maintenance grants, benefits for textbooks, occasional help,

e. g. for Christmas or in the winter.

Students: What investments will be make in Ochota?

Mayor: Sports fields, modernization of Ochota Theatre.

Students: Why is it worth living in Ochota?

Mayor: It’s near the city centre, it’s a quiet and nice district. The nicest parts date back to the

thirties and the fifties. Other parts are getting nicer.

We have good health service, there is an enormous specialist hospital in Banacha


Students: Thank you very much for the interview and we wish you every professional success.

Mayor: Thank you.

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

Interview With The Mayor Of Reyhanlı

Interviewer: What do you think about the European Union?
Mayor: I think the European Union is the brothership of the countries.
They share all the things that they have.

Interviewer: Turkey has became a candidate for the European Union what do you think about that?
Mayor: Turkey has great financial opprtunities and also young population. If we attend to the Union,
European countries can use ,effectively, these opportunuties and the young population.

Interviewer: European Countries are being taken as a model countries all of the world but some of them are suffering from financial problems. What do you think about that?
Mayor: In the European countries The population isn't young Enough. However the economic structure needs some young popluation to work. I think Turkey will provide this young population to the European Countries.
Interviewer: What do you think about attending the European Union will decrease the number of unemployed peoples or not?
Mayor: There are too many bussines opportunities in Europe. There will be many bussines opportunities in Turkey at that time. So the number of unemployed people will decrease automatically.

Interviewer: What are the advantages and disadvantages of attending the European Union?
Mayor: I think there will be some financial, economical and cultural advantages but there will be some cultural disadvantages too.

jueves, 1 de marzo de 2012

ANTONIO GORDO was born in Vitoria( Spain ) in 1973. Actually, he is 39 years old. He is a very famous sportsman in our town, in Puente Genil. His hobby is athletics. He has won a lot of prizes practicing this sport.

Journalist: Antonio, when does your hobby begin with athletics?

- Too late, when I was 22 years old, although before I practised a lot of team and individual sports.

Journalist : How long do you train daily?

- About an hour and half to two hours every day of the week. The hours increase or decrease according to the season

Journalist: How many competitions have you done?

- I have done many competitions and very different form. From triathlon, duathlon, half marathon, marathon, the mile or 101 kilometres from Ronda

Journalist: How many prizes have you won?

- I have won enough prizes to be a little proud and to keep trying to improve me at all times.

Journalist: What healthy habits do you have when you are going to practise this sport?

- Basically, to do what is healthy life. No harmful substances, a healthy balanced diet, for example, our Mediterranean diet, and a regular practice of exercise.